Since I was a child I always knew that I wanted to be a Doctor to help people in their healing processes and I had the blessing of graduating from the Free University in Colombia as a Surgeon; During my first years I always wondered what else I could do to really improve the health of patients and not just dedicate myself to treating the symptoms of the disease and telling the patient “get used to living with the disease and continue with medicines for the rest of your life”.
Saying this to a person is very frustrating and in some cases hopeless, but it’s kind of a linear model that we’re trained on.
In 2002 I met Dr. Arturo O’byrne, a pioneer in Integrative Medicine in Colombia, I attended his courses and ended up studying Biological Medicine and Homotoxicology at the Free University.
There I found answers to my questions, not focusing on the disease but correcting the cause and giving support to organs that have functional alterations.
The following year I studied Alternative Medicine at Corpas University and began my practice in Integrative Medicine focused on managing a healthy lifestyle. Since then I have not stopped studying. Years later I enrolled at Trinity School of Natural Health USA and completed a PhD in Naturopathy.
Later I studied the Diploma in Functional Medicine with the FUCS University Health Foundation and then began the Certification with the Institute for Functional Medicine in the United States.
I understand at this time that the basis for any treatment begins with a diet based on the principle of preventing disease and individualizing the needs of each person, I enroll in the Institute of Nutrigenetics of Spain and study Nutrition and Genetics.
I have continued my training by participating in different courses and congresses that provide more knowledge in this Art of Healing every day.
I have dedicated myself to treating chronic and neurodegenerative diseases such as syndrome
metabolic, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, also autoimmune diseases, especially Asia Syndrome due to Breast Implants or Biopolymers and Cancer.
In the year 2021 I am a patient, I was diagnosed with Asian syndrome due to breast implants and together with the removal of the breast prostheses, I began a functional treatment to rehabilitate the immune system, which helped me to heal and to be able to help other women recover their health due to this disease.
With my experience in all these years, I have been able to help improve the quality of life of my patients, I learn every day from each one of them, whom I thank for the trust in allowing me to enter their lives and accompany us in their process of recovering their health.
In one sentence I can summarize what it means for me to be an Integrative and Functional Physician: “My heart found the passion that motivates me to continue helping others”
Universidad Libre de Cali
Specialist in Alternative Therapeutics and Plant Pharmacology
Universidad Corpas Bogotá
Medicine Biology and Homotoxicology
Universidad Libre Cali
Chinese traditional medicine
(Acupuncture and Moxibustion)
Universidad Libre Cali
PhD in Naturopathy
Trinity School of Natural Health USA
Functional Medicine
Fundación Universitaria de la Salud FUCS Bogotá
Home Certification in Functional Medicine
Institute of Functional Medicine USA
Nutrition and Genetics
Instituto de Nutrigenética España
Member of the Association of Biological Medicine of Colombia ACOMEB
Member of the Colombian Association of Integrative Medicine, Homeopathy and Homotoxicology.