Your body has natural cleansing and detoxification mechanisms that occur through the kidneys, liver, or lungs. These organs filter and clean any toxins and thus optimize the functioning of the body.
When you are intoxicated, you may look pale, feel tired, have dark circles under your eyes, not sleep well, gain weight or retain fluid, have digestive problems, muscle aches, and be irritable.
Due to our habits, we create both physical and emotional dependencies that intoxicate and saturate the body with toxins. One of the main factors of toxicity are the hormones and preservatives that we use both in food and in our daily life, such as alcohol, cigarettes, soft drinks or artificial juices, consumption of refined flours and sugars, and stress.
Detoxifying does not mean going on extreme diets or eliminating food groups, this process implies:
Eat a healthy diet free of preservatives, preservatives, hormones, sugars and dairy products.
Eliminating tobacco and drinks with a high level of alcohol.
Consume foods that cleanse and help the body’s organs in the detoxification process.
Breathing properly and meditating is also an option, since they calm anxiety by giving the body a state of tranquility.
Make detoxification a habitual and permanent process and you should not wait until you have a disease to do it. It is important to get advice about what could improve our body’s detoxification system by acquiring healthy nutritional habits to avoid exposing our body to bad body mass indexes.
The main ally is adequate nutrition. The suggestion is to eat a balanced diet, without going on extreme diets to avoid the opposite effect such as loss of muscle mass and, as a consequence, a slowdown in metabolism.
“It is very important to consume food every 3 hours, approximately, in small portions; allow the consumption of proteins that are of animal or vegetable origin so that the body receives all the amino acids of proteins and remains balanced. This way you can be thin and keep your muscle mass intact, resulting in permanent and natural weight loss”, says nutritionist Priscila Guillen.
Water is one of the main natural detoxifying factors so that we consume it permanently, it must be taken all the time without waiting to feel thirsty, it can be natural water or fruit water such as coconut, cucumber or unsweetened strawberries, as well as infusions. ginger, cinnamon water, lemon water, pineapple peel water, green tea, white tea, anyway. The important thing is not to add chemicals or sugar of any kind. Read more in: drinking water is now easier know how
Some suggestions to carry out a detox in a natural and adequate way so that the body is not harmed are:
Drink lemon water on an empty stomach
Drink natural water during the day
Take green tea.
Consume chia, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds in food.
Eat seaweed and plant-based proteins.
Remove dairy of all kinds from your routine diet. In exchange you can consume almond milk, sesame, birdseed or rice, less soy.
Eat protein like organic fish and chicken.
Eat organic eggs.
Eat brown or vegetable rice in large amounts.
Avoid carbohydrate consumption at night. Instead you can eat a vegetable broth, wok vegetables or grilled chicken or fish with vegetables.
Avoid cooking your foods with butter sauces and saturated fats.
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OFFICE Dr. Ana MIlena Lozano M.