
Neural therapy

All parts of our body are related to each other, in part because the mind, organs and tissues are connected to a…

Anti-aging therapy

With anti-aging medicine, the objective is to prolong the life of the patient, improve the quality of life and control and delay the…

Serum Therapy

Therapy in which mineral, amino acid, trace element and vitamin serums are placed in the vein. The shortcomings…

Complementary Therapy

It seeks to correct the causes that developed the disease in this case, alterations of the immune system…

Rejuvenation Therapy

It consists of processing the patient’s blood to obtain plasma rich in growth factors in the skin that produce collagen…

Gravitational Traction Therapy

It consists of using gravity to relieve pressure on the spine, which compresses over time and causes pain…

Acupuncture Therapy

It is the stimulation of energetic points of Chinese medicine, which are located in different parts of the body and refer…


It is an alternative therapy that produces effects on the body by the perception of the odors of certain essential oils…

Magnetic Field Therapy

The patient is exposed to a magnetic field with oscillating current, such as the field generated by magnets. Which cross the…

Colon therapy

It is a procedure through which the team performs an intestinal wash with a mixture of water and ozone, in order to detoxify the…

Voll Electrometering Therapy

It is a diagnostic technique based on the relationship that acupuncture points have with the organs…

Homeopathy Therapy

Homeopathy aims to strengthen the body’s own defenses.

It was developed by the physician Samuel Hahnemann…

Bioenergetic Massage Therapy

Through a special technique, specific points of the body are stimulated, releasing through pressure with the fingers the…

Moxibustion Therapy

Heat therapy performed with moxa (mugwort stick), where acupuncture points are stimulated to balance vital energy in case of…

Other Uses Of The Therapy

The use of growth factors and plasma proteins is not only used aesthetically. In fact, it is also used to repair…