The causes of tiredness or physical exhaustion can be multifactorial, from bad eating habits, sleep problems, stress, emotional disturbances or physical illnesses.
When you feel these symptoms it is time to do something.
🔺 Lack of physical and mental energy.
🔺The weight of your body can more than the desire to do something
🔺You live sleepy and it is hard for you to get out of bed in the morning
🔺Confused thinking and lack of concentration
🔺Eating anxiety or lack of appetite
🔺Difficulty exercising
🔺Decreased sexual desire
If you have more than three of these symptoms, it’s time to do something.
🍜 Improve your diet, I eliminated refined sugars, junk food, alcoholic beverages, sodas.
Eat food every 3 hours, small portions that contain protein, healthy fats (nuts), fruits and vegetables.
Increase fluid intake.
Eat foods that contain Omega 3 such as avocado, cocoa, fish, nuts and cold-pressed oils. These fats help the brain.
🚴 Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes, you release endorphins, serotonin, neurotransmitters that produce well-being
🙆 Energize your spirit.
Mental exhaustion, sadness, anger, worry and stress can lead to decreased vitality. Do playful and relaxing activities that enliven your spirit.
Have fun, dance, play, jump, meditate and most importantly share with your family.
💉Organic support with Orthomolecular medicine
Supplementation with amino acids or minerals when our body is exhausted, is done by applying revitalizing serums, depending on each patient and each case.
They help increase intracellular energy in states of exhaustion.