Cocoa is known as the seed of the gods.
Tree native to Mexico and is found throughout Latin America and Europe.
Scientific name: Theobrama cacao
Cocoa liquor, butter and chocolate can be extracted from the seed.
Composition :
🔶 Minerals: phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium
🔷 Vitamins: A, C, E, thiamin.
🔶 Fats: polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, oleic and linoleic acid. Omega 3
🔷 Amino acids like tryptophan, precursor to serotonin which is the neurotransmitter of happiness.
🔶 Antioxidants such as procyadinide, flavonoids, catechins and epicatechins. Substances that prevent cell damage by toxins.
🔷 Theobromine, anadamines substances that promote well-being, improve sexual desire.
👍 Metabolism: improves insulin resistance, reduces glycemia. Improves HDL cholesterol and reduces LDL cholesterol which causes arteriosclerotic disease, improving cardiovascular health.
👍 Improve blood pressure, flavonoids stimulate nitric oxide production by relaxing arteries.
👍 Brain: Its high healthy fat content, along with antioxidants and flavonoids improve the neuroplasticity of neurons, helping in learning and memory.
Epicatechins have a beneficial effect on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
👍 Skin: flavonoids, minerals improve elasticity and appearance.
👍 Emotional state: produces well-being, pleasure and happiness.
🔴 For chocolate to have medicinal properties such as those described, it must have a cocoa concentration above 80%, which is why it is known as dark chocolate or “chucula”.
🔴 Supermarket chocolate usually only contains between 25-30% cocoa, they are highly processed, refined at high temperatures, sugar, flavorings and hydrogenated fats are added that produce metabolic alteration and increase LDL cholesterol.
My recommendation: consume artisan dark chocolate, check the packaging for the concentration of cocoa must be more than 80%, sometimes it appears as cocoa liquor.
And enjoy every morning the drink of the Gods.
In our office you can buy organic dark chocolate.
In a skillet, melt the chocolate with the panela and the coconut oil until it is liquid.
Subsequently mix it with the almond flour, eggs and bicarbonate until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Place in a mold and decorate with red fruits or quinoa pop
Bake at a temperature of 250 degrees and leave for 30 minutes.
And enjoy a delicious chocolate cake.
REPORTS TEL 2252776 CEL 3003926697
OFFICE Dr. Ana Milena Lozano M.