Studies carried out in the United States have shown that 60% of children who were once overweight in childhood and school age present obesity in adolescence or adulthood.
💓 Overweight at such a young age presents 3 times more risk of metabolic diseases due to excess insulin production in the pancreas, leading to obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases.
Joint problems in hips, knees and spine.
👨👩👧👦 Therefore, the active participation of parents in feeding children, as well as in behavioral and lifestyle habits, is essential.
👶 The guidelines that are established during the first years of life in each home and the way in which these rules are combined with the social life of children will be transcendental to condition their future state of health.
When starting a treatment, parents must ensure that the child, when losing weight, does not present alterations in their growth and development. A treatment should always be supervised by a health professional. I have never tried to start a restrictive diet recommended by a friend or from the internet.
🍲 The eating habit of the child and the family must be changed, remember that parents are the ones who go to the supermarket and choose what to feed their children.
❌Avoid consumption of refined sugars, sweets, sweets, packaged juices, soft drinks, “fast food”, bakery products, French fries, sausages.
It is essential to commit the child and their parents to the changes to be made, this will make the family more responsible and aware of their health problem.
🚵 Start exercising regularly, it is recommended that each activity be carried out accompanied by parents, siblings or friends with a frequency of 3 to 5 days a week. Activities such as walking, swimming, cycling, are the most recommended.
🍇🍗🍳 Modifying eating habits from very early ages is the foundation for good health in adulthood.
Always do it under the medical prescription where the daily caloric needs of the child will be evaluated, according to the stage of growth and development.
Prefer to select natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, meat, chicken, eggs, legumes, etc. in the supermarket.
For more information on overweight and obesity treatments, contact us.
Dr Ana Milena Lozano M
📌 Calle 39#20-35 Tuluá-Valle
☎ Cell 3003926697 – 2252776