It affects the person’s memory and routine functioning. The pain is persistent in the joints and morning muscle stiffness is added to difficulties sleeping and headaches depression, anxiety, irritable bowel symptoms, vestibular disorders, genitourinary symptoms.
Curing fibromyalgia is possible with bioregulatory medicine, we tell you how to achieve it.
An alteration when pain is felt
The causes of fibromyalgia are still to be determined, the few related studies show that it can derive from a deficiency in the pain threshold.
It is characterized by musculoskeletal pain that is difficult to describe, with stiffness in at least 3 anatomical locations for more than 3 months and whose diagnosis is difficult to clarify. Exercise, cold, and emotional stress worsen the condition.
natural treatment
For biological medicine, this disease is always accompanied by viral or bacterial infections resulting from metabolic alterations and the dysfunction of mitochondria to produce energy. This is mainly due to:
Heavy metal poisoning.
The acid pH.
Oxidative stress.
For the comprehensive treatment of fibromyalgia, the causal diagnosis is essential, that is, the underlying reasons that led the patient to develop the disease. It is also important to carry out a personalized treatment combining several of the techniques typical of biological medicine.
There are several alternatives for patients who choose biological medicine as a treatment option. We describe each of them with the encouragement that you analyze which could be the best according to the patient’s condition. This is always under the advice of a specialized doctor.
SERUM THERAPY: consisting of the administration of specific serums that favor the body’s self-healing from a selection of vitamins, trace elements and natural biological drugs.
Through intravenous application it produces a detoxifying effect in the body that helps to eliminate toxins. As an individualized therapy in the case of fibromyalgia, it enhances energy, regulates insomnia, promotes digestion, improves vital harmony, intellectual performance, memory and general brain health, strengthens bones and joints, and improves well-being and sexual health.
BIOREGULATORY MEDICINES: being based on plant and mineral substances equivalent to those of the immune system, they have a repairing effect on tissues in diseases of the locomotor system.
These biological modulators work by reducing inflammation in intervertebral and neuralgic pathologies in a way that alleviates pain symptoms and allows normal activity to be restored. With them, joint stiffness, sleep disorders, fatigue and mood disorders, which affect quality of life, are reduced.
NEURAL THERAPY: improves the physical, energetic and psycho-emotional conditions of the sick person by injecting appropriate neural-therapeutic stimuli with a weak local anesthetic (Procaine in a concentration less than 1%) that produces a subtle stimulus and an anesthetic effect. transitory in very precise body areas where we suspect the existence of irritated, congested, disturbed, interfered, excited or exhausted neuro-bio-energetic circuits. This allows the sick body to self-manage its own healing, healing or relief processes.
HOMEOPATHY: by means of these dilutions, very good results are obtained in fibromyalgia; It is important to go to a homeopath who can prescribe the appropriate and individualized treatment for each person.
ACUPUNCTURE: uses fine needles to stimulate certain areas of the body. It is used to reduce various types of pain and inflammation, stimulate the release of the body’s own pain relievers (endorphins), and calm the brain. Numerous investigations contemplate its effects for fibromyalgia, some have been statistically significant in combating pain; use it as a supplement to exercise, massage, adaptive behavior therapy, and meditation. Acupuncture with electrical stimulation helps in the relief of pain and stiffness and the improvement of general well-being and fatigue.
NUTRITION: Eliminate for a while those foods that generate inflammation, alter digestion and increase acidity in the body.
REPORTS TEL 2252776 CEL 3003926697
OFFICE Dr. Ana Milena Lozano M.