The avocado belongs to the lauraceae family, it is cultivated in Latin America and in some areas of the Mediterranean.
🌱 Its leaves contain essential oils such as estragole, it promotes neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine essential for our nervous system, they also contain flavonoids.
Uses: as an antidiarrheal and antitussive in aromatics. And in poultices to reduce inflammation.
🥑 Its pulp contains 40% mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic. Omega 3 fats.
Essential amino acids for protein synthesis such as lysine, valine and leucine.
Vitamins A, C, B and E are essential in old age.
Minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
🌰 Seed contains 70% of amino acids. This can be consumed scratched, ground or toasted in aromatics or salads.
Uses: lowers cholesterol.
- Increases HDL cholesterol due to its high fat content, protecting the health of the arteries and reducing heart disease.
- Prevents the formation of cataracts and macular disease due to its lutein content.
- Regulates sleep and mood by stimulating the release of serotonin.
- Improves the appearance of the skin and delays aging.
- Nourishes neurons by fatty acid content.
- Protects cells from damage caused by stress.
- Prevents neurodegenerative diseases and cancer.
- Produces satiety.
It can be consumed in many ways and my recommendation is 1 avocado daily.
Coconut lemonade recipe with avocado.
Ingredients: unsweetened grated coconut.
2 lemons
Blend everything together and enjoy.
This recipe is high in heart- and brain-healthy fatty acids.
REPORTS TEL 2252776 CEL 3003926697
OFFICE Dr. Ana Milena Lozano M.